Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Tons, really. It gets to the point where those of us who think we are crazy realize that we really are mostly normal. But honestly, there are the crazies who should be locked up and put away forever and then there are the freaking psychos who let the crazies go!

Take Mr. Karr, for example. Here is a man that married a fifteen year old girl when he was 19. Apparently she was smart enough, however, to cut and run, so he married again. Purposely getting a 16 year old pregnant so that they could marry without parental consent should be the first sign that this guy is off his rocker. Then, if being asked to leave by several elementary school because he got too affectionate with the little girls didn't tip someone off, then I don't know what clearer sign one needs! This guy is sick and twisted in all the wrong ways.

So he goes to Bangkok, hoping that he'll be able to land another job working with children. HELLO??? Doesn't this guy have to show a resume or something??? All of a sudden one day, he thinks to himself "I'm sick of this place. I wonder how I can get a free ride back to the states..." and boom! He confesses to "being with JonBenet at the time of her death..." and his free ticket home is all but fed to him. They flew him first class and served him dinner and champagne. No one bothered to see the holes in his story at the time.

And he was graphic. He claimed they were in the midst of a "romantic sexual experience" when he accidentally killed her? SHE WAS 6 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure that a 6 year old girl, no matter how beautiful or "mature", would not understand or be romantically involved with a thirty year old man. Sorry, it just doesn't happen like that. And the sickest part is that after they failed to find any matching DNA (ahem. Surprise, surprise), they LET HIM GO. Let him go? Once again, there are crazies and then there are the psychos that let the crazies go.

This man should be strapped in a straight jacket and put in a padded room somewhere where no child will ever go. He should not be allowed in public! Don't people realize this? He was fantasizing about having "romantic sex" with a six year old girl. He'd written her poetry and admitted to being in love with her. This guy has SERIOUS problems, and stupid Boulder, CO authorities let him off. I won't be a bit surprised if he does go off and rape and murder an innocent child because he wasn't locked up with a team of psychiatrist when we had the chance!

It makes me sick the amount of crazy people out there. It makes me even sicker that these crazy people are getting away with being crazy.

Let's not even get me started on Warren Jeffs...That will have to another rant.

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