Monday, July 02, 2007

Stealing Sarah's Idea

Thank my Cousin Sarah for providing me with fodder for my latest blog.

100 Things about Me

1. I'm not completely sure I can come up with 100 things about myself

2. My hair is curly. Really Curly. And big. In fact, when I wear it down I find that it looks like a lion's mane.

3. I'm a Leo, so perhaps that's why I have big hair.

4. I've worked at Fidelity for 1 year, 8 months and 2 days as of today.

5. That's the longest I've ever worked in one place.

6. I've had 9 jobs (including the current) over the course of my life.

7. I've never been pulled over or gotten a ticket for speeding (knock on wood).

8. I speed.

9. I own two Nissans.

10. My 1995 200 SX is the first, the 2002 XTerra is the other.

11. The 200 SX is a color called "Plum." I like to think of it as Fuscia, however it has been referred to as Pink.

12. I have cat named Candy.

13. She's like our child.

14. I didn't know where Albania was (or that it even existed) until I met my husband.

15. I was 19 when I got married.

16. I won a $20 bet with my best friend that she'd get married before me.

17. She got married 7 days before I did.

18. I planned it that way.

19. Incubus is my favorite band of all time.

20. Dave Matthews Band is my second favorite.

21. I don't like to admit it, but I actually am kind of a morning person.

22. I want people to like me.

23. I wonder about myself sometimes.

24. I don't remember my most embarrassing moment. I'm pretty sure that I've blocked it out of my memory for self-preservation.

25. I don't like olives. I try one everyone now and then thinking that maybe my taste has changed, but it never has.

26. I feel that today's music will never live up to the music of other decades. How are we even going to categorize it? 80's, 90's and 00's? That just looks funny.

27. What generation am I? Generation X? Y? Z? I don't even know.

28. I am constantly annoyed by Bush. Literally every time he opens his mouth, he manages to annoy me.

29. I believe that the voting system in the United States is flawed and ineffective.

30. I have yet to figure out the link between 9/11 and Iraq.

31. I don't like to compete because I don't like to lose.

32. People think I'm older than I am.

33. I'm embarrassed to be so young, but I refuse to lie about my age (to make myself older. Isn't it usually the other way around?)

34. I spent the better part of my youth trying to convince my parents that I was average.

35. They spent the better part of my youth trying to make me realize that I'm not.

36. It makes me angry when people try to use Christianity as an excuse to judge other people.

37. I've only ever been to two concerts in my life: Alanis Morrisette and Everclear

38. I truly believe that I have the coolest siblings in the world.

39. I don't email or chat with my friends while I'm at home hardly at all nowadays because that's what I do at work all day.

40. I deleted my MySpace page because of the high school-ish drama that is still going on in my home town.

41. I'm not really sure why, but apparently I have a fetish for office supplies. I have about 5 legal pads at my desk right now.

42. I make lists. I have a mental list of all the lists I want to make. I would write it down, but that would mean that I am crazy (right?)

43. I've had the same journal for over three years now.

44. Almost every entry starts with "I really should write more often..." or "I'm really not good at this 'writing in the journal' thing..."

45. I love the TV show "Scrubs." I often find myself picturing situations in my head like JD does.

46. I love Maroon 5. Adam Levine is hot.

47. Until recently I had never been so into a TV show that I had to watch every week. Then I stumbled upon Grey's Anatomy and House.

48. I'd never been into medical dramas at all.

49. I don't sing in the shower. I sing in my car. At the top of my lungs.

50. I watch American Idol and criticize the contestants.

51. I can't sing, but I know that I can't sing, so I would never go on a show and pretend like I can.

52. I love Peanut Butter Twix bars.

53. I pretty much love anything that has to do with peanut butter.

54. I don't know what days any of our bills (besides the rent) are due.

55. I like that Vinnie takes care of the finances. He's better at it than I am.

56. For the first time in my life I'm happy with my job. Happy to the point that I'm not constantly looking for a new one.

57. I wouldn't get through a day at work without my iPod though.

58. I don't know what my natural hair color is anymore.

59. My hair hasn't been its natural color since I turned 18.

60. The thought of being pregnant and having kids scares me. Hearing about the "joys" of pregnancy from my sister doesn't help.

61. I still find myself thinking and saying "When I grow up..."

62. Zoolander will forever be my favorite movie. Followed closely by Dude, Where's My Car?

63. I hate horror movies. They give me nightmares.

64. I love independent films.

65. Netflix is awesome.

66. Katherine Heigl is my new favorite actress. (She was raised Mormon--bet you didn't know that!)

67. I love Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus (not the berry one...that's gross).

68. I want to buy a house, like, tomorrow.

69. I've never met my in-laws. People find that really hard to believe, but it's true.

70. We're going to Albania during the summer of 2008.

71. I get to have a second wedding while we're there.

72. This is now my third day trying to come up with things to put on this list.

73. I want a puppy. I spend a good amount of time looking at puppy classifieds while I'm at work.

74. Vinnie is completely against getting a dog, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to wear him down over time.

75. I want a standard schnauzer, not a mini schnauzer. They don't shed, are extremely smart, but apparently are not bred in Utah.

76. Have I mentioned that I love Maroon 5? I think I probably have, but it's worth mentioning again.

77. I hope that I haven't skipped a number somewhere along the way. I'm not going to go through and check =D

78. I feel guilty for not hanging out with my family as much as I probably should.

79. I told you that it would be hard for me to come up with 100 things about me.

80. I like Post-It notes. Especially the brightly colored ones.

81. I love my hot pink Razr.

82. I have no regrets about my life because I know that everything that has happened has made me into the person that I am now.

83. I love living in Salt Lake City.

84. I wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life.

85. I want to have three kids; two boys and a girl (in that order).

86. If I have a daughter I will name her Elizabeth Louise after both of my grandmothers.

87. I'll call her "Lizzie Lou"

88. I find it very strange that my youngest brother will be 18 this year.

89. Even more weird is that my youngest sister will be 17.

90. I can't picture myself as an old woman.

91. I like to think that I'll be a spunky old gal with wild hair and that I'll teach my grandchildren to be sarcastic.

92. I only eat raisins plain or in cereal. I won't eat anything that has raisins baked into it.

93. Except for the raisin nut bread they serve at Mimi's Cafe. That stuff is amazing (and I can't even tell that there are raisins in it).

94. My dream car is a 1969 Ford Mustang fast back in either cherry red or cobalt blue.

95. My Netflix queue has over 60 movies in it.

96. Working till 11 p.m. isn't so bad during the summer because it's light out until 9:00.

97. Working till 11 p.m. is going to suck during the winter when it gets dark at 5:00.

98. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 9:15 a.m.

99. My unborn nephew already has a nickname, Tad (because he used to be a tadpole).

100. I'm surprised that I was able to come up with 100 things about myself. It took me about a week to do so, but I did it. =D Hooray for me!

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