Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Years Eve (Finally!)

You know that I'm not one to disappoint. Just ignore the date of this post and we'll be fine!

So, we (and by "we" I mean the usual gang of Albanians, plus a bonus Russian grandmother and mother, as well as some Albanian parents and cousins--as usual Byron and I were the only Americans in the group) spent the night at Panache, which is an ultrafancy club in the Wells Fargo building in downtown SLC. It was a TON of fun. We danced, we ate, we had some good wine and we rang in the new year with style! It was a thousand times better than last year's New Year's Eve, for sure. As promised here are some pictures. Yes, I'm aware that I wore the same dress as Christmas, but don't be confused. Remember: my hair was up at Christmas, and I left it down for NYE.

The girls. We all looked hot. Enough said.

The men. They all looked awesome in their suits.

This is Gledis and Jonisa. They're the Albanian cousins (Elson and Besi's to be exact).

Me and Vinnie. He's rocking the goatee that I totally love. I try to get him to have it all the time, but he's not such a fan of it as I am.

So that's all I really have for the moment. I'm still waiting on other pictures from Besi and Maria (because they were much better about taking pictures than I was).

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