Monday, March 03, 2008

Creative Juices

I've been feeling the need to be creative all day, but there was a very noticeable lack of creative inspiration at work (where I desperately needed the distraction). My work is not exactly a pea tree dish for creativeness. They make it that way, of course, so that we will all focus on our not-creative-at-all jobs. Which is probably a good thing because if I could be easily inspired at work then I would actually want to go to work. And that, my friends, would make me a crazy person. I'm already crazy enough as it is, I think, so heaven forbid I actually find a job to which I would willingly go. That would just be silly and somewhat irresponsible (because if I'm crazy then I can't be held accountable for my own actions, right?).

However, now that I'm home I feel the creative juices flowing. I like that about my home. It is very conducive to creative thinking. That's a really good thing for me because I spend about 90% of the time that I am not at work at my home (funny how that works, eh?). So I sat down to write out an idea that I had had on my way home (my car is also a very good place for creative thinking) and as I was doing so, I was struck by the notion that I write about cold weather a lot these days. All of the fictional scenes that I've described in writing recently have involved cold weather. I found myself wondering if that was happening because it's cold outside, or if there is some deeper, psychological, subconscious-level reason for it.

Well, personally, I hope that it's the former, because investigating the latter is probably a journey I should never take (at least not in public). But it has been cold for the last, um, 6 months or so? Probably not, but it's certainly felt like it. I hate the cold (a clue?). I tend to get depressed when there is no sunshine (which is why I could never live happily in Seattle), and when it is cold, and especially when it is cold and there is no sunshine. So, obviously, I hate the winter.

Last week was so beautiful. It was in the 50s most of the time, and It wasn't pitch dark when I went to work. It wasn't pitch dark when I left work either. It was awesome. I really thought that Spring was going to come on in to usher Winter out, and then stay until my best friend Summer showed up. But no. I was not so lucky. Winter, apparently, was not picking up on the clue that he had overstayed his welcome, and was rather annoyed that Spring had tried join the party early. It wouldn't have been so bad if Spring and Winter could have just cooperated. Then it would have just rained on Friday night. Spring put up a pretty valiant effort though. It didn't start snowing until the sun went down. Then Spring didn't even have a chance. Winter always wins out when it's dark. And Winter is sneaky too. He'll cast out his ugly rain cloud friends, and they'll gang up on the poor old sun and block him out so that it gets darker more quickly.

Usually, I can handle the snow. Snow wouldn't be that bad if it would just go away quickly, you see. Unfortunately, seeing as Snow is the spoiled love child of Winter and Water, it sticks around as long as Winter does (which is too long to begin with). Snow also wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have the unbelievable annoying side effect of making people who drive cars on the freeway complete and total idiots. But, since it neither goes away quickly nor makes people any smarter, it's bad. It's bad, but I can handle it.

But when Spring comes to tease me with a week's worth of warm weather, then just surrenders without much of a fight, and lets Winter come bareling back in, snow and all, I get a little bit testy with the Seasons. So testy, in fact, that I'm seriously tempted to leave them all behind here in Salt Lake and move some place like San Diego where it is always the same warm, beautiful temperature. You'd better believe that if I had the money, I would get far away from all of this cold nonsense!

So there is my creative rant for the day. Thank God for coming home!

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