Thursday, July 07, 2011

41 Weeks: The Plan

I haven't had a single surge in the last 24 hours, so I'm thinking that if he's left up to his own devices, baby boy would stay put forever. Tomorrow marks the official 1 week past due date for this little one, and thankfully there is a plan in place to make sure he doesn't just hang out in my uterus for as long as he well pleases. I'm scheduled to go into the hospital sometime tonight to be induced via oral meds that are supposed to ripen my cervix (um...gross?) and get things going. Hopefully that does it, because I really REALLY don't want to be put on the pitocin drip, which I've heard from EVERYONE makes everything suck all that much more. So, one way or another, this baby will be here by tomorrow afternoon/evening, and it won't be a moment too son!


Lindsey and Jared said...

Good luck girl! You can do it :) Can't wait to meet him!

Justin and Kristin said...

Sounds like your little man and my little girl had the same idea. I went in the night before 1 week over to get things going, not wanting pit!, and she still didn't come, finally got the pit, still didn't come, got an epidural (not wanting that) and there she came (28+ hrs after going to the hospital)! Glad he did finally decide to come! Enjoy!