So, good news for the day is that I will shortly be moving from the far-from-fabulous Sunday through Wednesday night shift onto the oh-so-glorious Monday through Friday day shift. That means that I will actually be able to hang out with my husband again! Hooray!
Bad news for the day is that is absolutely stupid and does not carry full episodes of House (or any of their shows for that matter) online. AND, equally stupid doesn't have full episodes of Scrubs online either. So I'm thoroughly annoyed about that.
Grey's Anatomy premiered tonight. It was...different than expected. I'm going to watch it again as soon as it becomes available online because I was hanging out with Eryn and Paul and Chris, so I didn't pay as much attention to it as I probably should have. I'm hopelessly devoted to the show, which is weird because I've never watched a show regularly before. Vinnie's into 24, but he only watches it on DVD so that he doesn't have to deal with the commercials and with the waiting for a week to see what happens next thing.
Hmmm, what else is going on in my life? Not a ton really. I've been thinking a lot of about my work, actually. I'm not doing what I want to do for the rest of my life, but I'm starting to realize that I may be doing it for longer than I first intended. I want to eventually be a teacher, but just thinking about how much more school I will have to endure to do so gives me a head ache.
I'm going to do it, of course, but I'm having trouble finding a place for it in THE PLAN. You know, THE PLAN. The one that involves paying off the credit cards and buying a house and having a baby...that PLAN. I'm taking one class right now (which makes it pretty easy to be a slacker, really) and with my new shift I may venture to take two classes next semester...we'll really just have to see because the new semester is going to go right along with Tax Season (and we all know what a CF my schedule turns into during tax season).
I really just need to get it done, though. I'm THIS close to being done with my associates degree (only five years after high school graduation--good game team!). The money aspect freaks me out most, I think. Fidelity does 90% tuition reimbursement, but that's hinged on whether or not I am doing a "job related" major like business or finance. I have no intention of doing either, really. Though a major in English/Communications may actually apply to my job specifically, seeing as I communicate with people in written English all day every day. It's up to my manager, though, so I guess my tuition reimbursement really just depends on whether my manager likes me or not.
Speaking of managers--for the first time ever I have begun to consider becoming a manager at Fidelity. Of course, I have to wait a few more years before that's even going to be possible, but I'm considering it as a long term goal. I would only be a manager within my department though. I would never want to be a manager in Service. No way, Jose. In order to be a manager, though, I will have to get the 9/10 licenses, and in order to get the 9/10 licenses I will have to have had my Series 7 license for three years. That alone means that I will have to wait until July 2009. Then, from there, who knows. Who knows if I'll even last that long. Hell, we might win the lottery between now and then!
I told Vinnie the other day that being a stay at home mom may be an unrealistic aspiration. I would very much like to be a stay at home mom, but I'm starting to doubt that that will actually happen. In fact, saying with any certainty that I am going to be able to stay home is starting to sound like counting chickens... The ideal situation, of course, would be that we have a home based business by then, and I can stay home and still work. The second best situation would be that I only have to work part time.
But in all reality, it's too soon to tell. I don't plan on having a child for at least another year, and who knows where we'll be and what we'll be doing in a year from now. If all goes according to THE PLAN, we'll be back from Albania and looking to buy a house!
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