So it turns out that I didn't get the training gig. I found out yesterday. I'm totally bummed about it, too. I mean, if I were to be honest (which I was trying to be during the time between my interview and yesterday), I would have to admit that I knew there was no chance. That didn't make the let down any easier to swallow, though. The worst part, I think, was the email I got from a staffing consultant that said "Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss the Facilitator position." Now, in my experience, this kind of email has only been sent out to the people who actually get hired (or perhaps because I've never not gotten the job before I just didn't know any better), so I was unnecessarily excited. When I called, though, I knew that they weren't going to give it to me even before the woman on the other line said anything. The sinking feeling really sunk in when she started out with "Unfortunately..."
So now I find myself thinking about my future. I mean, I think about the future in general pretty offten, but I've been thinking about my future at Fidelity in particular. I'll say it right now, on the record, I am bored with my job (collective gasp. Yes I know it's a shock). And, judging by my recent increase in blogging activity, it's probably not hard to tell that I'm a slacker at work. I've been in Electronic Response for over a year now, and my attention span is shot to hell. Of course, anyone who has ever met me can testify to the fact that my attention span has never been very long to begin with.
However, there are several dilemas that I have to face when thinking about changing jobs. First of all, I'm only 20% vested in my 401(k). I won't be fully vested until I've been here for 5 years (October 2010). So if I leave the company, I'm giving up a good portion of my retirement. I could change jobs within Fidelity, but that brings me to the second dilema. I have no desire to go back on the phones, and there are not many jobs within Fidelity that are not on the phones. And naturally, the jobs that aren't on the phones have the most competition because NO ONE really wants to be on the phones. Well, I am sure that there are some people who enjoy it, but I know that the majority of us don't.
Another major dilema is that I get paid pretty well, and I highly doubt that I'll be able to find something comprable. I mean, I could probably handle taking a pay cut to do something that I actually enjoy, but I'm not so sure my husband would approve. Actually, I'm positive that he wouldn't approve. Unless he gets a raise or another job that pays him more, and even then it would be a fight. So, these dilemas leave me with really only two options. Continue being bored while I make every attempt to get a non-phone job within Fidelity, or forfeit a big chunk of my 401(k) to get a job at another company.
My ideal situation would be to stop working completely and just concentrate on going to school. That way I could graduate sooner, which would mean that I could start teaching sooner. And in all actuality that's really the only thing I want to do. I've considered looking for Trainer positions else where, but then we run back into the whole money issue (stupid money. Why must I be a slave to it?). I'm really, REALLY hoping that money becomes less of an issue soon. Either we get all of our debt paid off, or Vinnie finds a really spectacular job, or both. Or if we could actually get a business idea off the ground so that that could be my work instead. That, perhaps, won't solve the money dilema (or maybe it would...) but I imagine that I would have more time to focus on school.
In any case. That's what's on my mind.
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