Monday, March 17, 2008

Elliot Spitzer = Distraction

I have recently begun to realize some things about the current administration that have seriously made me consider leaving the country for good. Not the least of these things concerns the issue in this article:

So. The President of the United States of America has basically said that torturing people is okay as long as it keeps the country safe. First of all, why isn't this being more widely covered? Why did I have to Google "President Bush vetoes torture bill" in order to find information on this? IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FRONT PAGE NEWS! It happened on March 8, 2008.

Guess what happened on March 10, 2008. News broke that stupid Elliot Spitzer was involved in a prostitution ring. As I have stated in a previous blog, I've been wondering if there is, in fact, people working behind the scenes to manipulate whats really going on in this country. Turns out that I might just be onto something. The Bush Administration needed a distraction to keep too many people from hearing about the bill he just vetoed that would have done away with torture interrogation techniques like waterboarding. So, Elliot Spitzer had to be exposed as practically the same time. Coincidence? Something tells me that there's no way....

How anyone believes in the Bush Administration's credibility anymore is beyond me. Intelligent people, at least, should recognize the gaping holes in the reasoning behind the "war on terror." Every single citizen of the United States should be aware that we are in the Middle East for OIL. OIL. Not to keep the country safe from the imminent threat of terrorism. Oil.

Wouldn't you think that, in a country where we now have prescriptions for EVERYTHING and anything, and in which so much research is being done to find cures for what ails us, we would have come up with an alternative energy source that could reduce our addiction to oil? I mean, there has got to be someone out there who has developed or discovered and energy source that is both ecologically and economically sound. But, sadly and surely, the big oil companies do not want such things to become widely known. If the world's dependence on oil begins to slacken, then the people who run the oil industry will start losing money. And heaven forbid that something so utterly terrible like that happen.

I don't really expect anything to happen about oil in my lifetime. I do not expect much in general to happen during my lifetime, really. I have very low expectations of my country, which I find really sad. People should know about this stuff. People should be aware, for example, that nowhere is it written than we must pay Federal taxes as citizens of the United States. This is not a law, people. Go look for it. You won't find it. The only kind of tax that is technically legal in the United States is one that is proportionate for everyone. Our current tax law is anything but proportionate.

Why aren't more people aware? People should know, and people should talk about these kinds of things.

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