Thursday, January 29, 2009

Driving 101

I live in UT, and as some of you may know, UT driver's are known to be pretty bad. Having lived and driven in SLC for a few years now I will admit that there are a lot of UT drivers out there that do not fit into the stereotype. BUT! The stereotype exists for a reason. So I'm taking it on myself to give a little bit of a refresher course on how to drive on the UT freeways:

1. Different Lanes are for Different Speeds

The furthest right lane is the slow lane. The furthest left lane (not including the carpool lane) is the fast lane and is meant to be a passing lane. This holds true whether there are six lanes on the freeway or if there are only two. If you are in the fast lane and someone comes up behind you, MOVE OVER if you have the space to do so. It is RUDE to make someone pass you on the right. And now, in UT at least, you can get cited for it.

2. It's Called a Blinker

There are two wands near your steering wheel. One of them is for the windshield wipers, and the other is the blinker. If you push that one up or down, the red/yellow lights on the back and front of your car will begin to flash depending on which direction you intend to go. The blinker is not for your own entertainment purposes--it is to let the people around you know what's going on in your head. Don't honk and flip me off if I don't let you into my lane. If you had turned your blinker on, I would have let you!

3. Ice Happens

It snows here. Every year at least once. When the snow comes, it does not bypass the freeway. It falls there just like it falls everywhere else. If you try to drive on the snow like you would off the snow, you are likely going to end up hurting yourself or others. So, for the sake of all of the rest of us, SLOW DOWN! I don't care that you're in a big truck or an SUV w/four wheel drive. That won't make a difference if there is nothing for your tires to get a grip on!

4. Tailgating: An Accident Waiting to Happen

I understand that you are in a hurry, I really do. I'm in a hurry too. But as you can see, there are 1,000 other cars around us all going the same direction at the same speed. Tailgating me is not going to get you where you're going any faster. It might just end us getting us both into a wreck. Considering the danger, wouldn't it just be easier to stay more than two feet back? Seriously. I will brake check you if I have to.

5. The On Ramp is There for a Reason (Part 1)

When you are traveling on the freeway, you will inevitably come upon an on ramp. If there is someone on that on ramp you are supposed to move so that they can merge safely into traffic. So, if you have room to do so, change lanes and let them on.

6. The On Ramp is There for a Reason (Part 2)

If you've ever wondered why on ramps are always so long, I'll tell you. They are long because the civil engineers that designed the whole road system wanted to give you ample time to get up to freeway speed so that merging with the already flowing traffic would be safe and easy. So speed up while you have the chance, not when you get to the freeway.

7. It All Comes Down to This:

You are not alone. There are other cars and other drivers out there, so PAY ATTENTION to what goes on around you and don't be a jerk. You don't own the road, and the rest of us have just as might right to be there as you do!

1 comment:

Ashlee Garn said...

HA HA HA, I so agree!!!