Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday's Thoughts

~You know it's going to be a long, depressing week when the weather forecast for the entire week is "Hazy."

~The picture for "Hazy" on my iGoogle page is even dark and indistinct.

~Haze is not fog, for those of you who are wondering. Haze is basically just a nice word for "smog," which settles over the Salt Lake valley because it has nowhere else to go.

~I shouldn't be depressed. Obama got sworn in as President and made the edict to close Guantanamo Bay. That should be enough to make me happy!

~Seriously. Not being able to see the sun at all for a whole week has taken a toll on my mental well being. It is NOT okay.

~I should move somewhere that it is summer all the time.

~I hate being depressed. It really is not fun, and it's very out of character for me. Stupid haze!

~The good news is that my Critical Theory professor seems to have recognized the error of his ways. He started today's class out with an apology about being so sporadic and random last week so that the entire week was wasted. I actually learned some stuff today!

~I made a Zoolander reference in class today. That was awesome!

~Why is it that whenever you make the decision not to eat certain things, you immediately start to CRAVE that exact thing?

~I love Ahh Sushi in down town. Just avoid the Philadelphia Roll (I would suggest the Funky Vegas or the Sunrise, though).

~Vegetarian chili is good, but it is just not the same.

~Fritos make just about everything better.

~Having class in the morning means that I have to stay late at work on those days. Taking class on MWF ultimately means that my weekend is postponed by an hour and a half. I obviously did not think that one through very well.

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