Sunday, February 08, 2009

You Look Like Me On a Sunday Morning...

That reference is for you April. =D

Reasons I love Sunday Mornings:

1. Sleeping in. Saturday's are no good for body is still too use to getting up at 4:30, and sleeping until 7 a.m. hardly counts...I managed to sleep until 8 a.m. today. Not that much better than 7, but I'll take what I can get!

2. Breakfast. The hubby hub and I usually always have breakfast together on Sunday mornings. It's usually our famous breakfast potatoes, eggs (I like to have an omelet, he has his over-medium) and good bread (homemade or the expensive stuff from Costco). He makes the cappuccino. Today we added cranberry juice and my favorite tomato and cucumber salad. Yum!

3. Relaxing. Sunday mornings (actually, all day really) are my chance to relax and do nothing. All of my chores were done yesterday, so now I just have hours and hours to watch movies, waste time on the internet (Hulu is an amazing place, despite Alec Baldwin's annoying super bowl commercial for it...) and just relax.

4. Family. Sundays are usually my sister's day off, so I get to go hang out with them. My brother-in-law makes food, Eryn and I get to hang out, and I get to spend time watching my nephew grow up (right in front of my eyes it seems!).

All of the above are on the agenda for today. Plus, Eryn and I will be dying my hair. I'm going to go as dark brown as possible. I'm very excited about it!

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