Actually, the end is here. Of the week, I mean. ;-)
So, it's Friday. Hooray for Friday. I am very much looking forward to not being awoken by my phone at 4:26 a.m. tomorrow morning. Knowing me, though, I'll probably wake up by my own accord at 7 ish, which technically is considered sleeping in if you get up at 4:30 usually, but is still uber lame.
Anyway. This week has been short and sweet. Wednesday was the dreaded Tax Day, and at my work, Tax Day is the end of what is traditionally a very stressful six months. This year's tax day was not too bad, since it fell on the day of the week that we are actually fully staffed. I'm extremely glad that it has come and gone. Now if all the people that missed the deadline could just go away, we'd be in even better shape!
In other news: Things that I found amusing/annoying/interesting/lame/etc. this week.
This Photo. Oh yes, deer are cute. But, um, drive up liquor store? I'm not really on board with that idea.
Hand made paradise aka internet crack (how many hours do you think I can spend looking at the "Recently Posted" scroll? If you guessed 8 and a half, you're right). Hello. My name is Jessa, and I am an etsy addict.
Dude. If you've never seen this site, your life probably sucks, and that's really unfortunate for you.
Check out this condo in downtown. Don't you dig the blue carpet in the bedroom? I sure do!
I was on Twitter a long time ago before it was all the rage, and I still think it's lame (sorry, AK. I love you, but I don't care what you're doing every minute of the day).
I've said it before and I'll say it again: This site will make you smile no matter what. Go on. I dare you to prove me wrong.
Netflix is my friend. It's going to take me far longer than the two week free trial to get through all the things I have in my queue. Oh well!
Apparently you can only apply to be on HGTV if you live on the East Coast or in LA. That's locational discrimination if you ask me!
Baudrillard's Simulacra in action:
I remember when Jim Carrey was the epitome of awesomeness...
So that's it. In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night!
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