Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good News All Around!

So, if you couldn't tell already, it's been rather slow at work. Hence the increase in blogging activity. Said slowness has led to mucho browsing of UtahRealEstate.com. The available options haven't changed much in the last two weeks, but it's fun to look anyway.

The good news is that I am going to meet with a realtor today. After being blown off by three selling agents, I decided that it would be better just to have some experience in my corner that I can rely on. Plus, I won't have to deal with the selling agents directly.

In other good news, this is the last week of school. The final project for one of my classes is due by Thursday, and the final paper for the other is due next Monday. I'm going to Denver Friday through Monday with a girlfriend for a end of school/singleness celebration. So, after Monday I will be free to devote my time to the househunt...very excited about that!

Despite the loads of homework I could (should) have finished over the weekend, I took some time out to tour this condo, which I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. This is in the University area, which is absolutely gorgeous. I haven't spent much time in that area in the past, and I was skeptical about it to be honest (probably didn't help that I stopped at the City Library beforehand and got to encounter downtown at its grittiest), but driving around I realized that the ghetto part of downtown is south of 4th South. The University area, which is east of 7th East and north of 4th South, is a lot of big old homes that have been converted into multiple units. This building is on 1st S and 8th E.

Aside from the location, which is excellent as far as work and school go, I really liked the condo because it has a big kitchen (biggest I've seen in a condo so far), and the bathroom is a decent size. The deck is kind of closed in, but as long as there is one I'm okay. The awesome blue carpet is in both bedrooms, and the carpet in the living/dining room area is relatively new. The carpet would be the first thing to go. Oh yeah, and there is a washer/dryer combo, which is one machine that does both functions! Pretty neato. It's in the kitchen, which is a downer, but I won't complain because it's so neato.

The unit has been a rental for a number of years, but it's still in really good condition. The countertops in the kitchen and bathroom desperately need to be replaced. Rumor has it that that is relatively inexpensive nowadays. The agent wasn't sure, but there might be concrete floors under the carpet. That'd be pretty sweet because I could paint them instead of having to put anything else down! The cabinets in the kitchen are pretty dark, but they could be painted really easily, or maybe even replaced eventually (thank you for cheap kitchens, IKEA!).

All in all, I really like the place. I'm going to look at a bunch of more places, of course, but I think this one will be a top contender. Since school is done this week and I'll have time to actually focus on the hunt, I will be ready to make an offer on something within the next two weeks! And that is fantastic news =D

EDIT: So, apparently they just barely delisted this condo from UtahRealEstate.com (like, while I was writing this post because I was looking at it right before I started). Sadness :( Oh well. There are others, right? Right. Like I said, I've been looking at URE.com for a long time, and I have a bunch of MLS listings to show my agent when I see her today. In particular, this one and this one which are also in the University area.

1 comment:

Byron and Bess said...

jesssss, i miss u
u should put pics of this place. Concrete floors would be awesome very modern/industrial.