I spent the weekend in IF for Mother's Day. Elder Brother got to call home, so of course I had to be there. As much as I love hanging out with my fam, I'm really looking forward to staying home this weekend. Maybe I'll actually finish some projects that have been pending...
I got to see the result of our family picture that was taken in January. The result is me and my family looking like floating heads and arms, which I think is funny and the parents think is ridiculous (they paid for the pictures, after all). I thought it was strange from the beginning that the photographer had us against a black background when we were all wearing ALL BLACK. I'm no professional, but isn't that like a no-no? There is also like six feet of blank space above our heads in the big print that is hanging in the living room. Certain events transpired shortly after the taking of said pictures that caused the big photo to change from what was originally planned (events that were both directly and indirectly my fault...), but the frame was not changed for some unknown reason. Basically, the photog was not only creepy, but he also sucked as his job that day. On the bright side, our faces all look really cute (except for Dad, whose eyes are half closed...Sorry Dad!).
I took some pretty fabulous pictures of the Shnookums in her prom dress (that Mom made) and her date in his tux (Mom also made his vest), but we're still dealing with the camera issue so I'll have to post them later. I've been searching for a solution, trust me, but I am skeptical about buying anything off the internet because what if it doesn't work? I really wish I could just find the cord... Anyway. This was the last prom that the Belnap siblings will see for a while, and the last one for which my parents will have to pay. I find it very interesting that my parents' 28th wedding anniversary is two days before their youngest child graduates from high school. They are either really good at planning, or they got really lucky. I'm inclined toward the latter, but they claim it was the former!
The house hunt continues this week. I find myself wishing that it could just be easy to find something that is perfect, but that's just now how life works, right? Right. The good news is that this condo is back on the market after a two week hiatus. I'm going to look at it again today with Liz (my real estate agent). I'm interested to see if it is as awesome as I remember it, or if the awesomeness was merely the result of it no longer being available shortly after I saw it the first time. In either case, I'm excited that it's available again.
We're going to look at several others, including some units in the complex that houses Condo Number One that I looked at a couple weeks ago. The ones we're going to see today are bigger than Condo Number One, which hopefully translates into more room in the kitchen. I'm not sure specifically which units we're going to see, but I think we'll probably check this one and this one, hopefully this one (which I love for it's outdoor space but hate for its green carpet), and this one. There is another one in the complex that is bigger than the rest and has awesome wood floors, but apparently they won't do an FHA loan on it. Lame. Oh well.
I'm optimistic that I'll see enough this week to make a decision. Last week was discouraging, but mostly because I really liked something that was out of my price range. Typical, eh? I'd like to think that I'm smarter than that, though. Plus, considering the fact that I don't have any furniture to my name, I'm going to have to NOT spend every last penny on my mortgage so that I can afford to LIVE in my house, not just live there. Damn HOA fees seem to always be the kicker, but that's what I get for not wanting to buy a lawn mower or to be solely responsible for a building and its land... In any case, I hope that I'll be ready to move forward from the annoying part (looking) to the scary part (making a commitment and proceeding with the financing) by the end of this week so that the rewarding part (being a homeowner) can commence!
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