Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I'm bored out of my mind at work. There is nothing to do, and I forgot the crochet project I was going to bring with me, so I am stuck with the internet. And I am annoyed with the internet. Actually, I'm annoyed with the lack of funds that prevents me from buying anything off the internet.

So, it's been 2 (-ish) weeks since my last post? A lot has happened in that time! I went to IF-town to be with the fam as my youngest sib graduated from high school. I'm still wigging out about that. We told her she couldn't get any older after her 9th birthday, but true to form she ignored us completely! So she's done with school and my parents are going to be empty-nesters by September. They're pretty stoked on that. They're considering moving to SLC to be closer to Yours Truly. No, not really. They want to be closer to my nephew (who wouldn't? Seriously, have you seen this kid?)For some unknown reason they are contemplating staying in IF, so I am doing my darndest to convince them that SLC is the place to be. I even hooked them up with my real estate agent, who is the bomb diggity. I think the key will just be withholding the grandchild until they give in and take the plunge!

Speaking of real estate: I closed on my condo on June 1. I moved in on Saturday and have officially decided that I am NEVER EVER moving again. I've said it before, I know, but I'm serious this time. If the time ever comes that I need to relocate to a larger home, I'm selling my condo furnished. Or I'm hiring someone else to do the heavy lifting. Other than the residual aches and pains from hauling everything up three flights of stairs (my own fault, so I shouldn't bitch about it), living in my own place has been really fantastic so far! I especially like being back in a big girl bed (a queen size with a frame and everything!). Now I just need to get going on the furniture situation and we'll be good go to. I did purchase a loft bed for the second bedroom. It's currently a bunch of wood slats in my living room (that's Thursday's project, and I'll be enlisting my bro-in-law's help. Rumor has it he's an expert with the picture instructions from Ikea) . So, the only things left for me to buy are a sofa, a dining set and a TV. I also need a dresser for the bedroom, and a desk to go under the loft bed in the second bedroom. I've been browsing the classifieds, naturally, but I haven't found anything in particular that strikes my fancy. It's going to take a few weeks or months, since furniture costs money and I just gave the title company all of mine (hence the annoyance with the internet and lack of funds...).

I do intend to post pictures of my new place here and on FB. I also have many pictures from the last two months that need to be shared. I have resolved the camera problem that plagued me for a while, but now I am lacking internet access at home. It's always something, isn't it? Hopefully that will be resolved shortly, though, so stay tuned. In the mean time, can I just say how much I miss the Elder Brother? :( Two years is still a really long time when you're only five months in. He's having a good time, though, and he doesn't have the swine flu, so that's good news. I'm a really horrible sister and forgot to email him this week. :( I'm going to do that right now.


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