Thursday, June 25, 2009

Coming Together

I love it when things go my way. Seriously, it is awesome. I love it even more when I am unintentionally brilliant and don't realize it until later. That's pretty fantastic too. Case in point: I've been searching for furniture all month, and I've found some things that I love but couldn't afford. About a week (maybe two, who knows any more?) ago I told T (my former roomie) that all things happen in good time, and that when the right piece (couch, table, TV and what have you) comes along, I'll be able to get it.

Well, that day has come. I bought my TV yesterday (32" flat panel, one year old for $160), I'm picking up the table after work (square, counter height, dark wood with 6 chairs for $200) and the Ikea couch I've had my eye on FOREVER for $200 tonight. I have been stressing out about furniture from the minute I signed the last sheet of paper to purchase my condo, and now I am basically done furnishing the place! Wow, that's awesome. Now I just need to find the perfect accent pieces (book shelves, coffee table, side tables, TV stand, etc.) and I'll really be good go to. It's going to be so nice to have furniture! And I'll finally be able to throw my official housewarming party! As soon as everything is set up, I'll be posting pictures (taken on my iPhone, naturally, seeing as I still don't have internet in my house).

In other news, I'm heading to Lagoon for the first time in years on Saturday. Is it strange that I am unreasonably excited about it? Seriously, I love roller coasters and I haven't been on one in over five years. Plus, I'm going with the Shnook, Brotha and Daddy. We could go and just LOOK at the rides and it would still be a blast!

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