Thursday, May 29, 2008

BY FAR the stupidest thing I have seen in a long time...

Let me start by saying that Fox News is flat out ridiculous. I can't stand to watch it for more than like 10 minutes at a time because of the blatant bias of their "reporting." Second of all, is anyone else annoyed by the fact that everything has to be so freaking PC all the time? Or is it just me?

A scarf, that bears a very slight resemblance to a headdress worn by terrorists, is cause enough to pull an ad off the air? Because it might, possibly, maybe offend someone somewhere. My guess is that no one else would have made that connection. Leave it to Fox News to make an overly big deal about something so incredibly asinine. The fact that Fox News even took the time to point it out just goes to show that Fox News has nothing better to do with their time than report on stupid, frivolous issues that have no bearing on anything.

Thank you, Fox News, for keeping us safe from the terrorism that is Rachel Ray and Dunkin Donuts...

UPDATE (June 4, 2008): The scarf in question is a symbol of Pakistani nationalism, not terrorism as Fox News and other conservative media would have us all believe. An Arab-American in this article likens the scarf to a baseball cap. All the more proving my suspicion that this was the stupidest pseudo-controversy ever cooked up.

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