Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Starry Night

I have way too much time on my hands...obviously.

These are pretty cool though. I have been reading about this cosmic event for like the last month, and have been making mental notes to actually go look at it when it happens. Alas! I was distracted by the arrival of one of my Christmas presents last night, so I didn't even think to go outside and look.

Other people, did, thankfully, and I was able to find these cool pics online:

Venus, Jupiter and the moon, as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. Pretty neato, considering how infrequently Venus and Jupiter align this way. I think that the view from Asia was a lot cooler though:


I think this is one of the extremely rare circumstances in which we can honestly say that the Heavens are smiling down on us...well, on Asia anyway!

1 comment:

Ashlee Garn said...

Thanks for sending this to me on email! IT looks AWESOME!