Friday, March 06, 2009

Awesomness in a Stressful Week

Sometimes it's only the little things that get me through the working days. Okay. Most of the time it's only the little things. The big things (the big important things, I should say) don't always come into play in every day life, so one must cling to the little things to make sense of all the chaos...

1. YouTube Instructional Videos.

In particular, wheel thrown pottery and crochet. Watching other, more effective potters work on the wheel has been surprisingly helpful in more ways that one. Of course, most of them have pointers to give while they demonstrate, but also I get to see that no one is perfect. Simon Leach, who is awesome, even ends up with uneven rims sometimes and trims through his pots. Seeing such things is good for my confidence.

I was tickled pink to find so many crochet instructional videos! Reading crochet patterns online or in the books from the craft store is basically impossible for me, but watching someone do it and having them verbally outline the stitches and what not is like magic in my brain. I get it now! It's fantastic. Etsy here I come!

2. Speaking of Tickled Pink...

How freaking awesome is this? Pretty freaking awesome if you ask me. I want a pink dolphin!

3. Hulu is an awesome place.

Yes, I know I mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again. I watched two episodes of The Tick last night instead of doing my homework (because yes, I am awesome like that). HILARIOUS! Patrick Warburton is so fantastic...from Seinfeld to the Emperor's New Groove and now as The Tick. Love it!

4. Cute Overload Anyone?

I'm down. This site is so much fun. Seriously. There is no way this site will NOT make you smile. Don't believe me? Go there. I dare you. I double dog dare you.

5. Pottery, as always.

Should be an every day occurrence, really. I love it. I wish I had more time to do it. My life would be a lot less overwhelming if I had the time focus on the things that I want to do instead of the things that I have to do...The trick, I think, will be to make the things I enjoy doing profitable. Once that happens, I'll be golden!

So, it's probably sad that I can only come up with five things that have made me happy this week. My mind keeps reverting to all of the things that either piss me off or make me depressed. But I don't want to focus on those things. Negativity is never a good thing. So I will just focus on the fact that it is Friday, and that class was cancelled today so I get to go home at 3:30 instead of 4. Awesomeness for sure. =D

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