Tuesday, March 03, 2009

For Lack of a Better Camera

So, I traveled all the way to St. George, UT last weekend to hang out with the HS Bestie, and I didn't have a camera, so I had to use my iPhone. It gets decent pictures, don't get me wrong, but it's still a cell phone. So, yeah. Enjoy ;-)

Pirate Pizza Place on Friday night:
CAKE! Hooray for cake. And Ice cream! And dressing up like pirates and eating seafood pizza (which, by the by, would have been pretty good except that the used cocktail sauce in place of the regular tomoato...not a good idea!)

Awesome glasses:Oh yes.

Hibachi grill Saturday night:
Oooooh, fire! I'd never been to a hibachi grill before. It was fun! Good food and entertainment to boot. Where can you go wrong?
Love you guys! Thanks for letting me crash on your couch for the weekend. You totally rock my world.

1 comment:

Ashlee Garn said...

Oh my gosh those glasses are HOT! :)