Thursday, May 14, 2009

Move Along Like You Know You Should

I've been on an AAR kick recently. Ever since this video came out:
Love it. He's hot.

It's another slow day at work. It's been slow all week. As I predicted, though, I have had no opportunity to leave early without pay because my shift is during market hours. So, lame that I have to be here without anything to do, but good that I am getting paid. So anyway. The house hunt, inevitably, continues again today. The HOA for this condo in Holladay is changing the pet policy in the complex, so only existing residents will be allowed to keep pets. I only have two words: UBER LAME. Okay, three: Douchebags. Oh well, right? It wasn't meant to be, I guess, so there's no point in dwelling on it.

This minor upset has led to a widening of the net to include bigger fish. And in case the metaphor is not clear, by that I mean single family homes (I'm so clever). I've been moving toward this decision for a few days, actually, because the more I look at condos the more I want to have a house of my own. I was (still am) skeptical about the amount of responsibility that comes a long with owning a house and the land on which it sits, but I think that the benefits outweigh my skepticism by a lot. One of my biggest worries about living in a condo is disturbing my neighbors with all of the giant house parties I want to have (ha! Talk about wishful thinking!), and that's really not such an issue with a house. Well, it might be, but not as bad as it would be in a condo.

So Liz is going to show me some little houses in my preferred areas. The problems now become a)the houses in my range are super small and b)the houses in my range are OLD. A lot of them have had some updating, but that doesn't negate the fact that they are old. Don't get me wrong--I love old houses and old architecture (they just don't do neat stuff like that any more), but houses have to be maintained and not everyone realizes that. So, if I do buy a house, I'll be very careful to get one that is in GOOD condition.

There is another issue with houses in my price range: Location. I can't even begin to afford to buy a house in Millcreek or Holladay, and Sugarhouse is basically a bust. Even the homes in the University area are way out of my range. So that leaves me in the near-ghetto area between 13th and 39th South and State and 7th East. I haven't spent a ton of time in that area, so maybe it's nicer than I imagine. There is a golf course over there. I'm just a little (a lot) biased because I used to live on 4th E and 9th S, and my sister lived on 2nd E and 11th S, and neither of us escaped from the ghetto unscathed by the scariness.

I'm not crossing off condos altogether though. I'm not going to lie and say that I wouldn't be nice to have someone else doing the yard work and snow removal. Why can't it just be easy? Perhaps I'm just too picky...?


Karene said...

I'm pretty sure I am a better person for having watched that music video.

Anonymous said...
