Monday, June 29, 2009

New Schedule and a Weekend Jaunt

My new work schedule at work started today. It's not much of a change, since I still work at 6 a.m., but I'll be staying till 4:30 and only working four days a week. I'm pretty stoked about having Friday's off, and I don't think that staying two extra hours is going to be that much of a big deal. So we'll see.

In more exciting news, I went to Lagoon on Saturday with most of my favorite peeps in the world:We rode Wicked first, which was short but freaking awesome. Ask Brotha or Daddy about the way it works and get a lecture about electromagnetic propulsion. Then you'll be able to say that you learned something about physics!

Brother and his friends Pete and Tony stayed the night at my house, which was interesting to say the least. Let's just say that some things (like yelling out of the car window at pedestrians for kicks and giggles) never change. And I like it that way!

1 comment:

Ashlee Garn said...

Sounds like my husband. I've learnd (as I'm sure you have) that all I can do is laugh...if I forget to lock the windows before the drive begins :)