Monday, July 06, 2009

Monday Monday

Just in case you were wondering, I hate Mondays. By far the worst day of the week. Followed shortly by Tuesdays, which I only hate less because they are not the first day of the work week.

I do love weekends, though, and I especially love weekends spent doing awesome things like boating and watching fireworks and making new friends around the campfire. I was lax with my camera, but I did get some pretty cool shots of the fireworks. Getting internet set up (and biting the bullet with the $100 installation fee) is on the list of things to do this week, so hopefully I'll be able to post some pics sooner rather than later. In the mean time, I hope that your Monday is better than mine (which, let me assure you, is not a hard task to accomplish).

1 comment:

the Allers said...

If you think my mom didn't suggest we do Watermelon shirts, you're sorely mistaken. I replied with a hearty, hell no.

Also - Monday's post holiday weekends are the worst kind. Sorry lady.