So, productivity is apparently an important attribute in the corporate world. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are very productive, and others who are not so much. Then there is me. I have been rather productive, even though there has been jack squat to do at work this week. So, how can one be productive if there isn't any work? Exhibit A:

This is a checkbook cover. Yes, it is crochet. I can't figure out how to make the picture not be standing up weird, but whatev. You get the point. These are appliques made to go on said checkbook cover:

However they are too large. I am in the process of making new ones with a smaller needle. I also made these beauties: :

Who knew I was so crafty? It probably freaks the people I work with out that I am toting around yarn and crochet needles, but I've gotta make the day go by some how, right? Right. So there you have it: I am being productive at work.
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